2008年9月8日 星期一



  • 版本:Unit1, Happy Rainbow English Level 7
  • New Words:doing homework, cooking, singing, watching TV, walking, running (共6個)

1. Guessing words---->練聽力


Q1: It is in our classroom.  You have to see it almost every day.  Teachers use chalk to write on it so all students can see.  It is black.  It is big.......(Ans. blackboard) 

Q2: It's a Chinese holiday.  It is on September.  It is coming soon. On this day, we usually have a barbecue and drink some tea under the big and round something.........(Ans. Moon Festival)


Q3: It is a verb.  Your PE teacher sometimes ask you to do this on playing field.  After doing this, you sweat, feel hot and want to drink  a lot of water.  If you are late to a class, you would **** to the classroom and say sorry to your teacher.........(Ans. run) 

Q4: It is a verb.  You take your dog to do this with you in the park or in your neighberhood.  Or if you live near to the school, you don't need to go by car.  How do you go to school?....(Ans. walk)             


2. Presenting new words---呈現新單字,帶發音和拼字


1) Writing words in the air


2) Read the lips


3. Reinforcement on Voc.---cards game





1) Ss listen and find the card.

   (ie.T: "watching TV",  Ss舉高字卡並全組一起念"watching")

2) Ss listen to the spelling of the word and find the card.

   (ie.T:C-O-O-K-I-N-G, Ss舉高字卡並全組一起念"cooking")

3) Ss listen to the spelling of the word but not in order and find the card.

   (ie.T:N-G-I-N-G-I-S,, Ss舉高字卡並全組一起念"singing")

4.Freezing picture

   各組各派一名小朋友出列,老師秘密指定每人做不同的動作(ie.singing, watching TV, walking, running )四人同時一起做出靜止的動作五秒鐘,就像照片一樣,時間過後立即蹲下,Ss要能按順序一次說出四個動作即可得分。


1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

哇~我又發現了一個寶庫,而且你整理的好詳細喔!!!太謝謝你了 :)))